Tuition Refunds

Tuition Refunds and Debt Exceptions

You can receive a refund or avoid tuition debt in the following situations:

Dropping a Class by the Census Date

To get a refund, drop a class by the last day to drop with a tuition refund, also known as the census date. Check the Academic Calendar or Schedule of Classes for this date.

College Class Cancellation

If NOVA cancels a class, you will automatically receive a refund.

Proper Class Drop

If you decide not to take a class, you must drop it either online through SIS or by visiting a campus Enrollment Services Center. It's your responsibility to ensure your class is dropped, so make sure to check your schedule through SIS in MyNOVA.

You will automatically receive a refund in the same form of payment that you used to pay for the class (ex. check, credit card, etc.).

If you replace the dropped or canceled class with another class for a different number of credits, you may be entitled to a refund if the new class carries fewer credits, or you may owe NOVA money if the new class carries more credits.

NOVA All Access Opt-out Refunds

If you opt-out of the NOVA All Access program, your fee is credited to your account. If there are no other holds or pending charges, your All Access fee refund is processed per the “When to Expect Your Refund” information on this page.

If you have opted-out of All Access and purchased books directly from Barnes & Noble, any request for book refunds must be handled directly through the Campus Bookstore and are subject to Barnes & Noble's refund policy. The bookstores are owned and operated by Barnes & Noble, who have their own independent refund and return policies.

Outstanding Bookstore charges using Financial Aid funds are not removable from the student’s account and must be paid directly by the student.

When to Expect Your Refund

  • NOVA processes refunds through Nelnet Campus Commerce.
  • Refunds may take up to six business days or more.
  • Direct Deposit (ACH): Funds are usually available within 6 to 7 business days AFTER the refund is posted to your Student account.
  • Credit Card Payments: If you paid your tuition with a credit card using Nelnet Campus Commerce and are due a refund, it will be issued back to the same card used for payment.
  • Verify Your Information: Log in to NOVA's Student Information System (SIS) via myNOVA to ensure your mailing address, name, and date of birth are correct.
  • Default Delivery Method: NOVA's default refund delivery method is by check, which may take as many as 10 to 14 days AFTER the refund is posted to your Student account to arrive at your mailing address.

Contact Information

For further assistance, please contact:

For specific assistance with Nelnet Campus Commerce, call 888-470-6014. Customer service representatives are available:

  • Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 7:00 pm (CST)
  • Friday: 7:30 am  5:00 pm

You may request an exception to college policy regarding tuition debt after the last date to drop with refund for one of these special circumstances:

  • Medical Emergency defined as an extended illness or major medical event affecting you or a member of your immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother, wife, child or grandparent) occurring after the census date.
  • Death of the student or the death of a member of your immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, child or grandparent).  
  • Permanent re-assignment/transfer, national emergency, or mobilization declared by the president of the US and in accordance with Section 23.1-207 of the Code of Virginia.
  • Administrative error by the College.
  • Extreme financial hardship on the part of the student.


The student must withdraw from all pertinent classes for the semester before submitting a request.  However, prior to withdrawing, we strongly recommend that you meet with an advisor to discuss possible options. Additionally, all issues regarding financial aid should first be discussed with a NOVA Financial Aid office prior to you dropping or withdrawing from any classes.

All requests must be submitted within 90 days of the date of the occurrence.Write a letter or email (all correspondence by email requires the use of your college email address) including appropriate documentation to the Director of Business Services at to justify one of the following:

  • Medical Emergency defined as an extended illness, major medical event, or a severe psychiatric/psychological emergency affecting you or a member of your immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother, wife, child or grandparent) occurring after the census date. Include a letter signed by the physician (on letterhead, not a prescription pad) attesting to date of injury or illness, the requirement that you cannot continue classes, and the duration of required absence. In the event you are acting as a primary caregiver for an immediate family member, we will require a letter from the patient’s physician stating that they are unable to care for themselves, and you are acting as their primary caregiver beginning on a specific date, and continuing through a projected date, which precludes you from attending classes.  Requests must be submitted within 90 days of date of problem as per physician’s letter. Pro-ration applies to requests based on medical emergency.
  • Death of a student or a member of your immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, child or grandparent). Attach to the request a copy of the death certificate, obituary, or applicable court documents. The request must be submitted within 90 days of the date of death. If the student is the deceased and, it is necessary to process a refund via check, the check will be made payable to the "Estate of (__________)". (A tax ID number will need to be provided for this as well.  Please contact separately for further clarification)  Pro-ration applies to requests based on the death of immediate family members only.
  • Permanent re-assignment/transfer, national emergency, or mobilization declared by the president of the US and in accordance with Section 23.1-207 of the Code of Virginia. Attach a copy of military activation orders. This does not include annual training. Requests must be submitted within 90 days of the date of your orders.
  • Administrative error by the College. The request should explain the circumstances of the error, including dates, names of employees, emails/correspondence, and publications, if applicable. Requests must be submitted within 90 days of the date the error was first discovered or made known.
  • Extreme financial hardship on the part of the student. The request should explain the circumstances, outlining the financial issues and provide documentation as appropriate. You should be advised that information such as eviction/foreclosure documents, and/or employment termination documentation may be required.  There will be no refund of paid tuition will be granted.  This exception if for the removal only of outstanding tuition charges.

Pro-ration of refund/exception requests are as follows:

During first 25% of class completion = 100%
During 26% to 50% of class completion – 50%
After 51% of the class has been completed – 0%

The following circumstances DO NOT qualify for an exception to College policy:

  • Failure to drop a class by assuming it would be dropped for you by the College due to non-payment or non-attendance.
  • Misunderstanding or lack of knowledge about NOVA policies and procedures.
  • Dissatisfaction with the course content or instructor and/or your academic progress in a class.
  • Inadequate investigation of course requirements, including prerequisites.
  • Requests based on pre-existing medical conditions prior to the start of the semester.
  • Change in personal work schedule/hours, geographic location, or available transportation.
  • Other reasons not included in the criteria set by the State Board of the VCCS.
  • Disagreements with faculty, teaching methods or style, treatment or grading procedures are not considered administrative errors and must be resolved by contacting the division dean or through NOVA's student complaint/grievance procedures.

Dropping or withdrawing from a class may impact your Financial Aid. Before you drop or withdraw from a class:

  • Contact the Financial Aid Office if you are a Financial Aid recipients. Final decisions for approval of requests involving Financial Aid funds require the additional consent of the Financial Aid Office with regard to return of unearned refunds.
  • Third-party contract recipients must contact the Third-Party Organization that is assisting with their education payment.