Access Academic Records

Academic Records Tutorials

  1. Log in to myNOVA.
  2. Click SIS: Student Information System.
  3. Click on the Academic Records & Progress tile.
  4. Click on Request Official Transcript on the left side of the menu
  5. You can request official transcript parchment by clicking NOVA (Northern VA) Official Transcript button, it will take you to external link at

  1. Log in to   myNOVA.
  2. Click  SIS: Student Information System.
  3. Click on the  Academic Records & Progress tile.
  4. Click on View Grades by College & Term, your grades will be displayed on the right panel by term.
  5. View your grades.

  1. Log in to myNOVA.
  2. Click SIS: Student Information System.
  3. Click on the Academic Records & Progress tile.
  4. Click on View Unofficial Transcript on the left side of the menu.
  5. Choose Report Type from the drop down and then Submit, the system will generate an unofficial transcript page.

Follow this guide to view your transfer credit report. 

  1. Log in myNOVA.
  2. Click SIS: Student Information System and Launch.
  3. Click My Student Information.
  4. Under Academics, click My Academics.

  5. Click View my transfer credit report.