Academic Program and Discipline Review

Academic Program and Discipline Review (APDR)

Academic Program and Discipline Review (APDR) is a systematic, comprehensive evaluation of academic programs and disciplines led by the faculty with administrative support. The purpose of the APDR process is to evaluate the effectiveness and progress of academic programs and disciplines and to identify the future direction, needs, and priorities of those programs and disciplines. The goal of APDR is to establish an agreed-upon action plan for further development of the academic program and discipline. A systematic APDR process ensures excellence in program and discipline quality. It is supported by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV), and the Virginia Community College System (VCCS).

In Spring 2022 and Summer 2022, the Office of Strategic Insights (OSI) listened to feedback from Administrative Council members and faculty teams regarding planning and assessment efforts at NOVA. We thank everyone who was engaged in discussions and provided valuable insights to improve planning and assessment at NOVA. All degree programs at NOVA (along with their related certificates and career studies certificates), as well as “stand-alone” certificates, career studies certificates, and disciplines, are to be reviewed according to a periodic schedule. Office of Strategic Insights, in consultation with the Pathway Deans, coordinates the schedule of reviews and notifies programs and disciplines when they are scheduled for review. The Program Review Evaluation occurs as follows:

  • Degree programs, certificates, career studies certificates and disciplines are evaluated every  three years.
  • Programs accredited or approved by external agencies (e.g., nursing) are reviewed on their professional accreditation cycle.

Administrative support for APDR is provided by the Office of Strategic Insights (OSI) and other appropriate College units. If you have any questions, please contact Nidhi Mittal, Academic Program and Discipline Review Coordinator

Please see the table below for the 3-year rotating cycle of program and discipline reviews.

3-year rotating cycle of program and discipline reviews

2023-24 - Programs

Information Systems Technology, AAS Cloud Computing Specialization, A.A.S. Application Programming, CSC Cloud Computing, CSC Database Specialist, CSC IT Technical Support, CSC Mobile Application Development, CSC Network Administration, CSC Network Engineering Specialist, CSC Web Design and Development, CSC
Accounting, AAS
Accounting, CSC
Bookkeeping Certificate
Accounting Information Security w/Data Analytics CSC
Contract Management, AAS
Graphic Design, AAS
Interactive Design Specialization, AAS
Science, AS
Mathematics Specialization, AS
Interior Design, AAS
Marketing: Digital Marketing, CSC
Marketing: Promotion and Public Relations, CSC
Geographic Information System, CSC

2023-24 - Disciplines

Chemistry (CHM)
Economics (ECO)
Physics (PHY)

2024-25 - Programs

Business Administration, AS
Engineering, AS
Engineering Technology, AAS
Data Center Operations Specialization, AAS
Engineering Technology Technician, CSC
Data Center Operations, CSC
Administration of Justice, AAS
Homeland Security Specialization, AAS
Administration of Justice Certificate
General Forensic Investigation, CSC
Advanced Forensic Investigation, CSC
National Security, CSC
Social Sciences: Deaf Studies Specialization, AS
Construction.Management Technology, AAS
Construction Supervision, CSC
Site Development, CSC
American Sign Language to English Interpretation, AAS
American Sign Language, CSC
Horticulture Technology, AAS
Landscape Design Specialization, AAS
Driver Education Instructor, CSC
Public History and Historic Preservation, CSC
Music Recording Technology, Certificate
Photography and Media, AAS
Cinema, AFA
Visual Arts, A.F.A.
Social Science, AS
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Counselor, Certificate

2024-25 - Disciplines

Environmental Science (ENV)
Geology (GOL)
Sociology (SOC)

2025-26 - Programs

Information Technology, AS
Cybersecurity, AAS
Cybersecurity, CSC
Business Management, AAS
Business Information Technology CSC
Entrepreneurship, CSC
Leadership Development, CSC
General Studies, AS
Architecture Technology, AAS
Computer Aided Drafting and Design, CSC
Biology, AS
Biotechnology, AAS
Biotechnology Lab Technician, CSC
Criminology and Criminal Justice, AS
Liberal Arts, AA
Liberal Arts, International Studies Specialization, AA
Liberal Arts, Art History Specialization, AA
Liberal Arts, English Specialization, AA
Liberal Arts Theatre: CSC
Liberal Arts, Communication Studies, A.A.
Health Sciences, AS
Psychology, AS
Radiography, AAS
Technical and Professional Writing, CSC
Music, AFA
Information Systems Technology: Data Analytics, CSC
Social Sciences: Geospatial Specialization, AS
Social Sciences, Political Science Specialization, AS
Education, AS
Education: Teaching Professional, CSC
Uniform Certificate of General Studies
Welding - Basic Techniques CSC
Personal Training, CSC
Computer Science, AS

2025-26 - Disciplines

History (HIST)
Geography (GEO)
Philosophy (PHI)
Religion (REL)
World Languages (ARA, CHI, FRE, GER, JPN, LAT, RUS SPA)
English as a Second Language