Testing Information

NOVA Online Proctoring

At NOVA Online, your assessments are proctored virtually. The course may use one of the following proctoring tools to ensure a secure testing environment: Honorlock, Respondus Lockdown Browser + Respondus Monitor, or Zoom Live Proctoring. These tools are designed to maintain academic integrity while offering flexibility for online students.

Additionally, many courses at NOVA Online incorporate authentic assessments, which focus on real-world applications of course material and often do not require proctoring. These assessments allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through projects, presentations, essays, or other practical assignments.

Proctor Request

If you need to secure an exam proctor you must submit a NOVA Online Proctor Request form.

Frequently Asked Questions

The proctoring solution for your course determines the specific software you will use for the assessments. All required proctoring software is free and provided by the college. Details about the proctoring method for your course can be found in the course syllabus under the section “Taking Proctored Assessments.”

For all proctored assessments, you will need:

  • A computer with internet access.
  • A functioning webcam.

For authentic assessments, specific technology requirements will vary based on the assignment. Your instructor will provide details about any tools or resources needed.

Proctoring Tools Overview

  • Zoom Live Proctoring
    Zoom Live Proctoring is conducted via the Zoom web client or application. During the exam, your instructor will monitor the session in real-time using Zoom to ensure the integrity of the assessment.
  • Honorlock
    Honorlock is a proctoring service that integrates with Canvas courses and requires the use of the Google Chrome browser along with the Honorlock Chrome extension. It combines AI technology with live proctors to monitor your testing session.  AI technology only alerts a live test proctor if it detects any problems. Honorlock is easy to set up, requiring only the browser extension to get started.
  • Respondus Lockdown Browser + Respondus Monitor
    Respondus Lockdown Browser is a specialized browser designed for secure testing within Canvas. If your quiz requires the Lockdown Browser, you will download and use it instead of a standard browser.

Respondus Lockdown Browser is not compatible with Assistive Technology. Faculty will always work with students to implement their Office of Accommodations & Accessibility approved Memorandum of Accommodations (MOA), which may impact how your proctored assessments are given. Please see the Accommodations and Accessibility Services page for further details or contact Accommodations and Accessibility Services at accommodations@nvcc.edu.  

Complete the NOVA Online Proctor Request Form and submit it with your proctor's statement on letterhead to NOVA Online (see the Proctor Request Form for details). Please note on the form if you are requesting to take the English or Math Placement Assessment.

  • Proctor requests may take up to 5 business days to process.

All students will receive an email confirmation when the assessments have been sent to the proctor.

All proctor requests must be verified. Delays in submitting your request and delays in response to the verification process with your proctor may result in missed assessments and grade penalties. DO NOT wait until the last minute to submit proctor requests.

Qualified Proctors include testing centers at an accredited college or university. Active duty and deployed military personnel may submit a proctor request for an approved military educational or test control officer. Students needing an accommodation based on a disability should contact NOVA Online for help in identifying an appropriate proctor.

In documented mitigating circumstances, a full-time faculty member at an accredited college or university may be eligible, provided we can verify their employment status and the assessments are taken at a college or university office with a computer provided by the test proctor.

Proctors cannot be a family member, employer, friend, co-worker, or someone with whom the student has any personal relationship. Proctors also cannot be an adjunct faculty member, teaching assistant, athletic coach, or student worker.

**Students requesting a testing accommodation must have a memorandum on file with NOVA’s Office of Disability Services, prior to taking assessments. Accommodations are not retroactive and will not be granted without following the process as outlined by NOVA’s Office of Disability Services. Accommodations must relate to online courses.

Please visit Placement Testing for up to date information on how to safely place into your appropriate math or English course.