About Annandale

In 1965, Northern Virginia Technical College opened for classes with 761 students in the Carlyn Springs Road warehouse in Bailey's Crossroads. To accommodate an ever-growing student body, the College purchased 78 acres in Annandale in 1966 to build the first campus site.

Originally known as the Central Campus, the Annandale Campus opened its first building in 1967. Today, Annandale is the largest campus site, offering more than 40 programs of study. The campus includes several classroom buildings, a gymnasium, a theater, a greenhouse, a police station, the Ernst Community Cultural Center and the Center for Workforce Development.

In 1965, Northern Virginia Technical College opened for classes with 761 students in the Carlyn Springs Road warehouse in Bailey's Crossroads. To accommodate an ever-growing student body, the College purchased 78 acres in Annandale in 1966 to build the first campus site.

Originally known as the Central Campus, the Annandale Campus opened its first building in 1967. Today, Annandale is the largest campus site, offering more than 40 programs of study. The campus includes several classroom buildings, a gymnasium, a theater, a greenhouse, a police station, the Ernst Community Cultural Center and the Center for Workforce Development.


Office of the Provost

Dr. Diane Mucci - Provost
Office: CFH Building (Founders Hall), Room 202
Phone: 703.503.6383
Fax: 703.323.3215
Email: dmucci@nvcc.edu

Rizwan Rahman – Director of Campus Operations
Office: CFH Building (Founders Hall), Room 202
Phone: 703.425.5194
Fax: 703.323.3215
Email: rrahman@nvcc.edu

Matthew "Tank" McCarl – Campus and Community Outreach
Office: CFH Building (Founders Hall), Room 202J
Phone: 703.323.3173
Fax: 703.323.3215
Email: mmccarl@nvcc.edu

Sharon Tindall - Executive Assistant
Office: CFH 202
Phone: 703.323.3223
Fax: 703.323.3215
Email: stindall@nvcc.edu

Student Development

Dr. Ellen Fancher-Ruiz - Dean of Students
Office: CA Building, Room 315
Phone: 703.323.3382
Fax: 703.323.3559
Email: efancherruiz@nvcc.edu

Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences (LASS)

Hemchand Gossai - Interim Academic Dean
Office: CM Building, Room 202A
Phone: 703.323.3042
Email: hgossai@nvcc.edu

John (Jay) Steere - Associate Dean for ENG
Office: CN Building, Room 230A
Phone: 703.764.5030
Email: jsteere@nvcc.edu

Antonia (Tonia) Rodgers - Associate Dean for ASL, ESL, and World Languages
Office: CM Building, Room 342B
Phone: 703.425.0736

Jennifer Sayasithsena - Interim Associate Dean for ECO, GEO, HIS, HUM, PLS, PHI, PSY, REL, and SOC
Office: CN Building, Room 202C
Phone: 703.323.3216
Email: jsayasithsena@nvcc.edu

Melissa Chabot - Interim Associate Dean for ART, CST, HUM, and MUS
Office: CM Building, Room 374
Phone: 703.323.7782
Email: mchabot@nvcc.edu

Mathematics, Sciences, Technology, and Business (MSTB)

Abbas Eftekhari - Academic Dean
Office: CS Building, Room 208
Phone: 703.323.3109
Email: aeftekhari@nvcc.edu

Karen Walters - Associate Dean for MCR, MTH, and MTT
Office: CT Building, Room 226B
Phone: 703.323.3181
Email: kwalters@nvcc.edu

Richard Fiesel - Associate Dean for ACC, ARC, BUS, CAD, CSC, EGR, FIN, MKT, and IT Shared Responsibilities.
Office: CC Building, Room 220F
Phone: 703.323.3157
Email: rfiesel@nvcc.edu

Todd Tupper – Interim Associate Dean for BIO (General and Upper Level)
Office: CS 120D
Phone: 703.764.7767
Email: ttupper@nvcc.edu

Ben Wang - Associate Dean for ADJ, CHM, DIT, GOL, HRI, PHY, and TRV.
Office: CS Building, Room 204A
Phone: 703.323.3730
Email: bwang@nvcc.edu

Learning & Technology Resources (LTR)

Elizabeth Dellavedova - Director, Library Services & Academic Support
Office: CFH Building (Founders Hall), Room 302A
Phone: 703.323.3066
Email: edellavedova@nvcc.edu

Evening Administration

Dr. Andrew Goldstein - Coordinator
Office: CT Building, Room 233
Phone: 703.323.3723
Fax: 703.323.4135
Email: agoldstein@nvcc.edu

Business Office

Mitch Markon - Acting Business Manager
Office: CA Building, Room 104
Phone: 703.323.3132
Fax: 703.323.3467
Email: mmarkon@nvcc.edu