Welcome to the Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business Division (MSTB) at the Alexandria Campus. Whether you are preparing to enter the workforce, getting ready to transfer to a four-year institution, exploring personal interests, looking to update your skill sets, or even change career paths, the MSTB Division is a great place to start.
Our award-winning, acclaimed faculty members possess remarkable credentials and work to inspire students in and out of the classroom. They create active and engaging learning experiences designed to optimize student learning outcomes. Students can take part in one of a kind research and field opportunities and experience our Science Resource Center (SRC) which is equipped with state-of-the art equipment and materials to support student success and learning in all lab-base science courses.
Courses are offered in a variety of modalities (face-to-face, hybrid, and online) to meet the scheduling and learning preferences of our diverse student body. Our goal is to promote student success and prepare students for the increasingly competitive workplace and educational environments.
The Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business Division provides courses and program offerings in the areas of administration of justice, architecture technology, automotive/auto body technologies, biology, business (accounting, business, administration, business management, financial services, contract management, and marketing), chemistry, civil engineering technologies, computer assisted drafting, computer science, construction management/building technologies, engineering, environmental science, geology, health, information technologies, mathematics, natural science, paralegal studies, physical education, physics, and recreation.
The faculty, staff, and administration are here to provide support to you in your academic pursuits. I encourage you to become familiar with and use the college’s resources and services such as the Writing Center, the Open Computing Center, and our free tutoring services. Your designated faculty advisor will meet with you periodically to help ensure that you attain your educational and career goals. Additionally, NOVA offers students the opportunity to be involved in a variety of activities and student clubs.
There are a number of amazing opportunities waiting for you at the Alexandria campus in the MSTB Division. Please pay us a visit and we will be glad to start you on your way. We are looking forward to getting to know you. I would personally like to wish you a very successful and exciting college experience. ”Start Strong, Finish Stronger!”
Dr. Margaret Emblom-Callahan
Interim Academic Dean
Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business Division
Bisdorf Building, Room 352
MSTB Programs and Disciplines
- Accounting
- Administration of Justice
- Architecture Technology and Collision Repair
- Automotive Technology
- Business Administration
- Business Management
- Computer Science
- Construction Management Technology
- Cybersecurity
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Geology
- Health Science
- Information Systems Technology
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Natural Science
- Paralegal Studies
- Personal Training
- Physical Education
- Recreation
- Sciences