LGBTQIA+ Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

YES. Several NOVA campuses have active LGBTQ student organizations. Contact the Student Life Office at each campus for contact information about current student organizations or for information on starting a new student organization.

If you are injured or in danger, call 911 or College Police immediately. College Police can assist you if an assault has taken place. If you wish to report an incident of sexual misconduct, the Title IX Office can assist you with filing a report.

College Police: 703.764.5000
Title IX Office: 703.323.2262,
Office of Wellness and Mental Health:

How does NOVA respond to bias-related incidents?

NOVA takes all incidents of bias and harassment – including anti-LGBTQ – seriously. Depending on the type of incident and who is alleged to have committed the harassment, there are a variety of ways NOVA may respond.

  • Title IX now includes sexual orientation and gender identity-based discrimination and harassment, as well as complaints of sex-based discrimination, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual or gender-based harassment are governed by the Title IX Policy and may be submitted to
  • Faculty and staff may submit complaints of discrimination that they experience to the Equal Opportunity Officer at

YES. NOVA includes sexual orientation and gender identity in its non-discrimination policy.

Contact Us

Rahma Kohin, Interim Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Nathan Carter, Chief Institutional Effectiveness & Inclusion Officer (CIEIO)
