Formal Complaints
A formal complaint is required to begin an investigation. It must be completed and signed by the Complainant or by the Title IX Coordinator on behalf of the College.
Interim Actions
The Title IX Office can assist in arranging academic accommodations (course schedule adjustments, extension of assignments, alternative class or work arrangements), changing work arrangements, and may issue No Contact Orders as well as interim suspension and disciplinary or administrative leave.
Complainant’s Rights
A person who is the victim of sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking is referred to as the complainant.
Respondent’s Rights
A person who has been accused of sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, or stalking is referred to as the respondent.
An individual who may have information relevant to a report of sexual misconduct. Witness participation in the College’s Title IX Resolution process is voluntary.
Steps in an Investigation
- Title IX Coordinator receives a report of an incident; contacts Complainant to discuss investigation and support services.
- Title IX Coordinator or designee conducts an evaluation - interviewing parties and reviewing documentation.
- Process can take up to 120 business days to complete, at the end of which an administrative determination will be made.
- Both parties will be informed in writing of the outcome of the investigation.
- Both parties will be given an opportunity to review all information used to make the determination.
- Both parties have the right to appeal a final decision.
- If the complaint proceeds to a hearing, all attendees must adhere to the Rules of Decorum.