Office of College Planning and Evaluation

Administrative Unit Planning and Evaluation

The Office of Strategic Insights (OSI) provides leadership for college planning and institutional effectiveness; facilitates information-sharing for decision-making and organizational development across the college; and provides support for accreditation. OSI works with administrative unit staff, led by Provosts and Vice Presidents, to ensure that college units are advancing NOVA’s mission and strategic plan to enhance institutional effectiveness and improve student success.

In Spring 2022 and Summer 2022, OSI obtained feedback from the Administrative Council and faculty teams regarding planning and assessment efforts at NOVA. Administrative units will report on specific strategic plan metrics and may not report annually.

  • Year 1 (2023-24): Yield Rate, Enrollment
  • Year 2 (2024-25): Course Success, Retention
  • Year 3 (2025-26): Transfer, Completion, Employment

Administrative units will report on specific strategic plan metrics on a three-year cycle. Please see the table below for the reporting schedule.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Diana Bharucha, Senior Research Analyst, OSI.

Year Subunits Reporting

Year 1: 2023-24

I. Yield Rate

  1. Academic Affairs
    1. Outreach and Recruitment
  2. Strategy, Research, and Workforce Innovation
    1. Marketing and Communications
  3. Student Affairs
    1. Admissions and Enrollment Success
    2. Advising
II. Enrollment
  1. President's Office
    1. Educational Foundation
    2. College Government Affairs and Community Relations
  2. Academic Affairs
    1. Credit for Prior Learning
    2. Dual Enrollment
    3. NOVA Online
    4. Outreach and Recruitment
    5. Study Abroad and Sponsored Programs
    6. Transfer Services and ADVANCE
  3. Finance and Administration 
    1. Business Services and Financial Services
  4. Strategy, Research, and Workforce Innovation
    1. Grants and Sponsored Programs
    2. Marketing and Communications
    3. Workforce
  5. Student Affairs
    1. Admissions and Enrollment Success
    2. Advising
    3. Financial Aid
    4. Financial Stability and Advocacy Centers
    5. International Student Services
    6. Military and Veteran Services

Year 2: 2024-25

I. Course Success

  1. Academic Affairs
    1. Canvas and Educational Technology Support Services
    2. Center for Advancement of Teaching Excellence
    3. Dual Enrollment
    4. Libraries
    5. NOVA Online
  2. Information and Engineering Technologies and College Computing
    1. Client Services
    2. Information and Engineering Technologies
  3. Provost's Office
    1. Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences
    2. Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business
    3. Health Sciences
    4. Nursing
    5. Counseling services
    6. Tutoring Services 
  4. Strategy, Research, and Workforce Innovation
    1. Marketing and Communications
  5. Student Affairs
    1. Accommodations and Accessibility Services
    2. College Navigators
    3. Student Integrity and Conduct
    4. Wellness and Mental Health
II. Retention
  1. President’s Office
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    2. Educational Foundation
  2. Academic Affairs
    1. Canvas and Educational Technology Support Services
    2. Center for Advancement of Teaching Excellence
    3. Credit for Prior Learning
    4. NOVA Online
    5. Study Abroad and Sponsored Programs
    6. Transfer Services and ADVANCE
  3. Finance and Administration
    1. Business Services and Financial Services
  4. Information and Engineering Technologies and College Computing
    1. Client Services
    2. College Computing
    3. Information and Engineering Technologies
  5. Provost's Office
    1. Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences
    2. Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business
    3. Health Sciences
    4. Nursing
    5. Counseling Services
    6. Tutoring Services
  6. Strategy, Research, and Workforce Innovation
    1. Grants and Sponsored Programs
    2. Marketing and Communication
  7. Student Affairs
    1. Accommodations and Accessibility Services
    2. Advising
    3. College Navigators
    4. Financial Aid
    5. First Year Experience and Student Development
    6. International Student Services
    7. Military and Veterans Affairs
    8. Student Integrity and Conduct
    9. Student Life
    10. Wellness and Mental Health

Year 3: 2025-26

I. Completion

  1. Academic Affairs
    1. NOVA Online
    2. Study Abroad and Sponsored Programs
    3. Transfer Services and ADVANCE
  2. Information and Engineering Technologies and College Computing
    1. Information and Engineering Technologies
  3. Provost's Office
    1. Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences
    2. Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business
    3. Health Science
    4. Nursing
    5. Counseling Services
    6. Tutoring Services
  4. Strategy, Research, and Workforce Innovation
    1. Business Engagement and Career Services
    2. Marketing and Communication
  5. Student Affairs
    1. Accommodations and Accessibility Services
    2. Advising
    3. College Navigators
    4. International Student Services
    5. Military and Veteran Services
    6. Student Integrity and Conduct
    7. Wellness and Mental Health

II. Transfer

  1. Academic Affairs
    1. Study Abroad and Sponsored Programs
    2. Transfer Services and ADVANCE
  2. Information and Engineering Technologies and College Computing
    1. Information and Engineering Technologies
  3. Provost's Office
    1. Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences
    2. Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business
    3. Health Science
    4. Nursing
    5. Counseling Services
  4. Strategy, Research, and Workforce Innovation
    1. Marketing and Communication
  5. Student Affairs
    1. Accommodations and Accessibility Services
    2. Advising
    3. College Navigators
    4. International Student Services
    5. Military and Veteran Services
    6. Student Integrity and Conduct
    7. Wellness and Mental Health
III. Employment
  1. Academic Affairs
    1. Study Abroad and Sponsored Programs
  2. Information and Engineering Technologies and College Computing
    1. Information and Engineering Technologies
  3.  Provost's Office
    1. Language, Arts, and Social Sciences
    2. Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies, and Business
    3. Health Science
    4. Nursing
    5. Counseling Services
  4. Strategy, Research, and Workforce Innovation
    1. Business Engagement and Career Services
    2. Labor Market Intelligence
    3. Marketing and Communication
    4. Workforce
  5. Student Affairs
    1. Accommodations and Accessibility Services
    2. Advising
    3. College Navigators
    4. International Student Services
    5. Military and Veterans Affairs
    6. Student Integrity and Conduct
    7. Wellness and Mental Health