Denny Martinez-Barrera is a NOVA graduate who knows the power of second chances. Born in El Salvador, he moved at age 5 to the United States, where his parents worked tirelessly to provide a brighter future for him and his sister.
After a difficult start at NOVA, Denny returned a few years later — a decision that would change the course of his life. While studying communication and theater, he developed a passion for forensics, led NOVA’s forensics team to national success and even met his wife in the process!
Now Denny wants to help others who have faced similar challenges and, in doing so, give back to the community that has given him so much.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I’m originally from El Salvador, but I’ve lived in the DMV area since I moved to the U.S. with my family at age 5. While I never saw myself as a student, I’ve always reminded myself that my parents left everything behind to give me and my sister the opportunities they never had.
I made some poor choices when I was young. Having been bullied in school, I eventually became the one causing harm to others. But one day I decided to make a change. Now I strive to repay my parents for all they’ve done by helping others. My dad, at 63, works six days a week, and my mom, nearly 60, works 50 hours a week at a hotel. I know the sacrifices they’ve made, and I’m determined to make them proud.
What brought you to NOVA?
I didn't plan on continuing my education after high school; personally, I believe college isn’t necessary for many careers, including what I’d ultimately like to pursue. But something drew me to NOVA. I live a few minutes away from the Alexandria Campus and often pass right by it, so I decided to enroll at NOVA in 2015.
Initially I wasn't sure what I wanted to study, so I chose cybersecurity. My first experience at NOVA was very challenging — I wasn’t sure how to best take advantage of all the resources available — so I left. Afterward I enrolled at ITT Technical Institute, where I did very well, but unfortunately the school went bankrupt in 2016. I realized that if I could succeed at ITT Tech, I might do even better at NOVA. So I returned with a new mindset and never looked back!
Coming back to NOVA was a game-changer. I graduated in 2022 and later came back to complete my forensics courses, which I finished in May 2024.
What did you study?
I studied communication and theater. I want to act professionally and also be able to communicate effectively in any situation, so both courses of study were helpful.
Tell us about your experience at NOVA (i.e., professors you’ve liked and friends you’ve met).
I've always believed that one opportunity can change your life; for me, that was NOVA.
Dr. Brenda Lewis-Holmes, my first professor at NOVA after ITT Tech, changed my life forever. She is incredibly kind, caring and understanding. Dr. Lewis-Holmes told me about a theater arts study abroad program in Dundee, Scotland. I seized the opportunity, applied and was accepted.
There, I met two members of Phi Rho Pi — the national forensic association for two-year colleges — who inspired me to join NOVA's forensics team. They were so supportive in helping me find my way this second time around. I also met my wife, a Scotland native, during the program. Now she studies at NOVA and is on the forensics team!
Professor Jeremy Hodgson has been an incredible teacher, mentor and friend to both me and my wife. Professor Amy Hileman has also deeply impacted me with her patience and kindness. I'm honored to return to NOVA to coach the forensics team —including my wife — alongside Professor Hileman this fall.
What would you tell a student coming to NOVA?
Be patient. The journey isn’t always easy. If everything were handed to you, you wouldn't learn anything! Work hard for what you want and never be afraid to be yourself. To sum it up: Don’t give up. If you want something — anything — go get it! Work for it. Earn it. You’ll be grateful you did.
Where do you see yourself after NOVA, or what career pursuits are you exploring?
In a perfect world, I’d love to be a professional screen actor. For now, however, I want to give back to my community, starting right here at NOVA. I’m passionate about helping those in need and aspire to become a motivational speaker. My goal is to keep kids off the streets, share my story to inspire others and, most importantly, show that it’s never too late or impossible to achieve something.