The Powerful and Transformative Impact of Scholarships

November 28, 2023

This is National Scholarship Month, and as NOVA closes out November, we spotlight a wonderful story demonstrating the importance of scholarships and how they change lives.


NOVA nursing student Menuka Puri knows how important it is to share her story. “I believe it’s a great opportunity to highlight the impact of scholarships on students’ lives and their pursuit of education,” she said. When Menuka received the Pan American Round Table Nursing Scholarship, she called it a lifeline since it came at a critical time and has had a profound effect on her academic journey.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I’m from Nepal and have been living in the United States for the past four years. I’m the first member of my whole family to be in this great country, and I’m thrilled about it. However, it also poses some challenges, like having limited financial, emotional or mental support.

How has the Pan American Round Table Nursing Scholarship impacted your life?
It was becoming increasingly difficult for me to balance the demands of my studies with the financial strain of not being employed. I’m very grateful for the scholarship, which alleviated the burden of my college expenses and has allowed me to fully focus on my nursing education and inspired a deeper commitment to my chosen field.

The scholarship is not just a monetary contribution; it’s a recognition of the unique challenges faced by nursing students like me. This support is an investment in the future of healthcare professionals who are dedicated to positively impacting their communities.

Specifically, nursing scholarships play a crucial role in supporting the education of nursing students, many of whom may be immigrants or first-generation college students. These scholarships empower individuals to pursue careers in healthcare, contributing to a more diverse and inclusive healthcare workforce.

What brought you to NOVA?
Private colleges were financially challenging for me, and NOVA offered an excellent alternative with cost-effective tuition. Additionally, NOVA’s reputation for nursing programs made it a compelling choice, ensuring I could receive quality education without the hefty price tag. The welcoming community atmosphere and diverse student body further contributed to my decision to enroll at NOVA.

What are you studying at NOVA?
I’m pursuing an associate degree in nursing, and I’m a second-semester (level II) student. I am thriving and really loving what I am studying. I will graduate from NOVA’s Nursing Program in December 2024.

What would you tell a student coming to NOVA?
Embrace opportunities, get involved and make connections — it enhances the college experience. Engaging with campus activities, participating in clubs and networking with fellow students can greatly enrich your time at NOVA. These experiences contribute to personal growth and provide valuable insights and support throughout your academic journey.

Take advantage of the resources available. Seek guidance when needed and remember that NOVA is a community that fosters both academic and personal development.

Your time here is what you make of it. Make the most of the opportunities that come your way, especially if you are a nursing student. You’ve come a long way, so keep on going and know that you’ve got this!

Where do you see yourself after NOVA, or what career pursuits are you exploring?
My goal is to pursue a career in nursing after completing my studies at NOVA. I want to contribute to the healthcare field by using the knowledge and skills gained through the nursing program. I aspire to make a meaningful impact on the wellbeing of individuals by providing compassionate and quality care.

My long-term vision involves continuous learning and growth within nursing, potentially exploring other specialized areas. I want to play a vital role in the healthcare sector, positively influencing the lives of those I serve.


Topics: featured article, student success