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Northern Virginia Community College
Course Content Summaries
Course Name
PHT 100
Introduction to Photography
PHT 101
Photography I
PHT 102
Photography II
PHT 103
Black and White Darkroom Photography I
PHT 104
Black and White Darkroom Photography II
PHT 106
Visual Literacy: The Photographic Image
PHT 110
History of Photography
PHT 130
Video I
PHT 131
Video II
PHT 135
Electronic Darkroom
PHT 201
Advanced Photography I
PHT 202
Advanced Photography II
PHT 206
Large Format Photography
PHT 211
Color Photography I
PHT 221
Studio Lighting I
PHT 222
Studio Lighting II
PHT 227
Photographic Careers
PHT 228
Professional Practices for Photographers
PHT 231
Photojournalism I
PHT 232
Photojournalism II
PHT 235
Documentary Photography
PHT 246
Advanced Photographic Printing
PHT 247
Alternative Photographic Processing
PHT 249
Night and Low Light Photography
PHT 256
Communicating Through the Photographic Sequence
PHT 264
Digital Photography
PHT 265
Mass Media into the Twenty-first Century
PHT 270
Digital Imaging I
PHT 271
Digital Imaging II
PHT 274
Digital Film Editing and Post Production