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Northern Virginia Community College
Course Content Summaries
Communication Studies and Theatre
Course Name
CST 100
Principles of Public Speaking
CST 110
Introduction to Human Communication
CST 111
Voice and Diction I
CST 114
Introduction to Mass Media
CST 115
Small Group Communication
CST 116
Speech Workshop
CST 120
CST 125
CST 126
Interpersonal Communication
CST 130
Introduction to the Theatre
CST 131
Acting I
CST 132
Acting I-II
CST 136
Theatre Workshop
CST 137
Oral Interpretation
CST 140
Acting for the Camera
CST 141
Theatre Appreciation I
CST 145
Technical Theatre
CST 151
Film Appreciation I
CST 152
Film Appreciation II
CST 160
Improvisation I
CST 161
Improvisation II
CST 200
Advanced Public Speaking
CST 227
Business and Professional Communication
CST 229
Intercultural Communication
CST 231
History of the Theatre I-II
CST 232
History of the Theatre I-II
CST 233
Rehearsal and Performance I-II
CST 240
Basic Set Design
CST 241
Introduction to Directing I-II
CST 250
The Art of the Film
CST 251
Stage Lighting and Sound
CST 267
Creative Drama
CST 270
Film Directing