NVCC 1996-1997 Catalog

Annandale Campus

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The Annandale Campus is located at 8333 Little River Turnpike on a 76.4 acre site in central Fairfax County, one mile west of the Capital Beltway, Interstate Route 495, on Route 236. This campus has the College administration building, the campus administrative services building, a classroom building, science building, library building, tv/technical building, nursing building, temporary music buildings, temporary EMT buildings, three temporary faculty office buildings, and the community cultural center.
Campus Staff                            Room      Telephone
     Dr. Barbara Guthrie-Morse          CG202     323-3222

Dean of Student Development
     Dr. Carol A. Ross                  CG218     323-3382

Chair, Division of Business
     Dr. Jack W. Partlow                CC223A    323-3157

Chair, Division of
     Communications and
     Dr. Barbara Saperstone             CT318     323-3189

Chair, Division of English and
     English as a Second
     Dr. Robert M. Como                 CC120     323-4441

Chair, Division of Health
     Dr. Charlene W. Connolly           CN214D    323-3426

Chair, Division of Mathematics,
     Science, and Engineering
     Dr. Susan F. Wagner                CT305     323-3109

Chair, Division of Social
     Sciences and Public Services
     Dr. Thomas E. Butler               CS203     323-3260

Adjunct Faculty/Extended Day Services
     Ethel Brent                        CG2O2     323-3169

Admissions and Records
     Lawrence M. Thomas                 CG211C    323-3328

     Kenneth Keithley                   CG124     323-3185

Business Office
     Business Manager
     Jerre Kilgore                      CG202     323-3131

Co-Curricular Programs and Services
     Dr. Negleatha J. Johnson           CG205A    323-3147

Community  Education
     Diane S. Harris/Martha E. Kossoff  CE204     323-3168

Continuing Education & Workforce Development
     Dr. Kay K. Haverkamp               CG203     323-3159

Cooperative and Internship Education
     Dr. Josef R. Horowitz              CF213B    323-3146

Counseling and Enrollment Services
     Karen A. Wray                      CG205     323-3011

Financial Aid
     Cheryl D. Bailey                   CG206     323-3427

Learning Resource Center
     Dr. Gen S. Chu                     CG302A    323-3216
     Learning Laboratory                CG407     323-3221
     Library                            CG300     323-3128

Old Dominion University TELETECHNET
     Sheri A. Dillon                    CT403     323-3769

Police and Public Safety
     Robert Delcore                     CI Bldg.  323-3111

Veterans Advisor
     Steve C. Smith                     CG213     323-3145

Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 10:34
Comments to: webmaster@nvcc.edu