NVCC 2003-2004 Catalog
    Instructional Programs

Semiconductor Laboratory Processes Specialization MA  

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Purpose: The curriculum is designed for persons who are interested in a professional or scientific program and who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a baccalaureate degree program with a major in science or engineering, leading to a career as a laboratory process technician in semiconductor and other high-tech fabrication/research facilities.

Recommended Preparation: Satisfactory completion of the following high school units as a minimum: 4 units of English, 4 units of college preparatory mathematics, 2-3 units of laboratory sciences, 3 units of social sciences.

First Year1st Semester2nd Semester

   CHM111College Chemistry I4
   ENG111College Composition I3
MTH271Applied Calculus I3
   PHY201General College Physics I4
   STD106Preparation for Employment1
   CHM112College Chemistry II 4
   HISElective 3
MTH272Applied Calculus II 3
   PHY170Introduction to Microelectronics Processes 3
   PHY202General College Physics II 4

Total Credits/Semester1517

Second Year1st Semester2nd Semester

   CHM255Instrumental Analysis3
   ENG112College Composition II3
   MTH177Introductory Linear Algebra2
   PHY270Physical Processes-Microelectronics4
___Social Science Elective3
   CHM270Chemical Processes-Microelectronics 4
___Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
   MTH249Statistical Quality Control 1
PED116Lifetime Fitness & Wellness 2
   SPD110Intro. to Speech Communications 3
___Social Science Elective 3

Total Credits/Semester1516

Total credits for the A.S. Degree in Science with a Specialization in Semiconductor Laboratory Processes = 63.

To graduate from a degree program, students entering NVCC Fall 1999 or later must demonstrate computer competency skills as described in the Degree Requirements section of the Instructional Programs of this catalog.

1 Students transferring to the Materials Science and Engineering Program at VPI&SU must take MTH 173-174.

2 The social science elective may be selected from one of the following disciplines: economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, or sociology (includes anthropology). Base selection on requirements of transfer institution.

3 The humanities/fine arts elective may be selected from list on page 38. Elective should be selected with advice of a counselor or faculty advisor to meet requirements of transfer institution.

4 The PED requirement may be met by one of the following options: PED 116, 2 cr.; PED 116, 1 cr. plus a PED activities course, 1 cr.; or PED 116, 1 cr. plus RPK 205, 216, or 225. PED 116 is offered as both a 1-credit and a 2-credit course.

Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 10:28
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