College Catalog Programs of Study 2017-2018

CyberSecurity A.A.S.

Associate of Applied Science Degree



CIP Code: 52.1201



This curriculum is designed for those who seek employment in the field of Cybersecurity (information assurance), for those who are presently in IT or a security field and who desire to increase their knowledge and update their skills, and for those who must augment their abilities in other fields with knowledge and skills in information security. The curriculum is mapped to the NSA/DHS Knowledge Units necessary for NOVA’s designation as a Center of Academic Excellence

Transfer Information: 

Transfer is not the primary purpose of an A.A.S. program, but NOVA has articulation agreements and arrangements that facilitate the transfer of this degree to selected senior institutions. Students interested in transfer should contact their academic advisor early in the program for specific course requirements.

Recommended Preparation:

The student should possess a proficiency in high school English, high school algebra and geometry, and computer keyboarding skills.

Two Years Credits
1st Semester
ENG 111 College Composition I 3
ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications and Concepts 3
ITN 101 Intro to Network Concepts or 3
  ITN  100  Intro to Telecommunications  
ITP 100 Software Design 3
1 MTH 151 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts I 3
2SDV 100 College Success Skills 1
Total   16
2nd Semester
3___ Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems 3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting or 3
  ITE  221  PC Hardware and OS Architecture  
ITN 260 Network Security Basics 3
4___ Social Science Elective 3
Total   15
3rd Semester
5CST ___ Elective 3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources 3
6ITP ___ Programming Elective 4
ITN 171 Unix I or 3
  ITN  170  Linux System Administration  
ITN 261 Network Attacks, Computer Crime and Hacking 4
Total   17
4th Semester
ITN 262 Network Communication, Security and Authentication 4
ITN 263 Internet/Intranet Firewall and E-Commerce 4
ITN 266 Network Security Layers 3
ITN 276 Computer Forensics I 3
7___ IT Security Elective 3
Total   17

Total credits for the CyberSecurity A.A.S.=65

IT courses used for this program may not be more than 10 years old, unless approved by academic dean.

1 May substitute a higher-level mathematics course. Consult with an academic advisor for appropriate selection.

2 Students may substitute the SDV 101 Orientation section related to this program.

3 See humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives. Electives should be selected with advice of a counselor or academic advisor to meet the requirements of the transfer institution.

4 See social/behavioral science courses listed under General Education Electives.

5 Select from the following: CST 100, CST 110, CST 115, CST 126, CST 227, and CST 229.

6 Select from the following: ITP 112, ITP 120, ITP 130, ITP 132, ITP 136, or ITP 225.

7 Select from the following: ITN 267, ITN 277, ITN 290 - Coordinated Internship, or ITN 295. Students not transferring to a Bachelor's program are encouraged to enroll into an internship or participate in a Cybersecurity competition and should discuss options with their academic advisor.