College Catalog Programs of Study 2015-2016

Japanese Studies

Career Studies Certificate

Offered through AL

Purpose: The program is specifically designed for both degree seeking and non-degree seeking students who are interested in reviewing or developing an in-depth understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture, history, and language. Other students will be able to enhance their employability in careers such as teaching or social service occupations.

Two Years Credits
1st Semester
1ENG 252 Survey of World Literature II 3
JPN 101 Beginning Japanese I 5
Total   8
2nd Semester
HIS 256 Japanese Culture and Institutions 3
JPN 102 Beginning Japanese II 5
Total   8
3rd Semester
JPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I 4
2___ Elective 3
Total   7
4th Semester
JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II 4
Total   4
Total credits for the Japanese Studies Career Studies Certificate=27

All first-time students must take a one-credit Student Development (SDV) course prior to enrolling in their 16th credit at NOVA.

1 Prerequisites for this course are ENG 111 and ENG 112.

2 May be selected from the following: ART 104, CST 229, ECO 210, GEO 220, PSY 219, SOC 255.