NVCC Spring 1999 Class Schedule
    Woodbridge Campus

Bio - Biology

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878-5611. Students must take corresponding lab. Students will be responsible for providing splashproof goggles, lab coats and disposable gloves. Students may be required to purchase fetal pigs.

SIXTEEN WEEK 01/18/99 05/14/99
BIO 101  GENERAL BIOLOGY I                  4cr 
  0935 01W MW     0930-1050  WC  0110  Smith, C 
          Above section requires Lab A1W or
          B1W--NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1084 02W MW     1300-1420  WC  0207  Sommerfield, M 
          Above section requires Lab A2W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1086 03W M      1900-2150  WC  0207  Sommerfield, M 
          Above section requires Lab A3W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1088 04W TR     0930-1050  WC  0110  Borkowski, T 
          Above section requires Lab A4W or
          B4W--NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1091 05W TR     1300-1420  WC  0207  Otsuka, S 
          Above section requires Lab A5W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1093 06W T      1900-2150  WC  0207  TBA
          Above section requires Lab A6W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.

BIO 101  LAB FOR BIO 101                    0cr 
  0937 A1W MW     0800-0920  WC  0207  Smith, C 
  1085 A2W MW     1430-1550  WC  0207  Sommerfield, M 
  1087 A3W W      1900-2150  WC  0207  Sommerfield, M 
  1089 A4W TR     0800-0950  WC  0207  Borkowski, T 
  1092 A5W TR     1430-1550  WC  0207  Otsuka, S 
  1094 A6W R      1900-2150  WC  0207  TBA
  0938 B1W MW     1100-1220  WC  0207  Smith, C 
  1090 B4W TR     1100-1220  WC  0207  Borkowski, T 

BIO 102  GENERAL BIOLOGY II                 4cr 
  1099 01W MW     0930-1050  WC  0206  TBA
          Above section requires Lab A1W or
          B1W--NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1182 02W MW     1100-1220  WC  0206  Luquire, K 
          Above section requires Lab A2W or
          Lab B2W--NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1189 04W M      1900-2150  WC  0205  TBA
          Above section requires Lab A4W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1191 05W TR     0930-1050  WC  0206  Underwood, L 
          Above section requires Lab A5W
          or B5W--NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1194 06W TR     1100-1220  WC  0206  Luquire, K 
          Above section requires Lab A6W or
          Lab B6W--NO EXCEPTIONS.
  2216 07W TR     1300-1420  WC  0213  TBA
          Above section requires Lab A7W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.
  2218 08W T      1900-2150  WC  0205  TBA
          Above section requires Lab A8W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.
  4982 09W S      0900-1150  WC  0205  TBA
          Above section requires Lab A9W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.

BIO 102  LAB FOR BIO 102                    0cr 
  1100 A1W MW     0800-0920  WC  0205  TBA
  1183 A2W MW     0930-1050  WC  0205  TBA
  1190 A4W W      1900-2150  WC  0205  TBA
  1193 A5W TR     0800-0920  WC  0205  Underwood, L 
  1195 A6W TR     0930-1050  WC  0205  TBA
  2217 A7W TR     1430-1550  WC  0213  TBA
  2219 A8W R      1900-2150  WC  0205  TBA
  4983 A9W S      1300-1550  WC  0205  TBA
  1181 B1W MW     1100-1220  WC  0205  TBA
  1185 B2W MW     1230-1350  WC  0205  TBA
  2211 B5W TR     1100-1220  WC  0205  Underwood, L 
  1196 B6W TR     1230-1350  WC  0205  TBA

  1226 01W R      1300-1550  WC  0110  TBA
  1240 02W T      1900-2150  WC  0213  Sinclair, N 

BIO 141  LAB FOR BIO 141                    0cr 
  1228 A1W T      1300-1550  WC  0230  TBA
  1244 A2W R      1900-2150  WC  0213  Sinclair, N 

  1250 01W TR     1300-1420  WC  0203  Sinclair, N 
          Above section requires Lab A1W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.
  1254 02W W      1900-2150  WC  0417  Murphy, J 
          Above section requires Lab A2W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.

BIO 142  LAB FOR BIO 142                    0cr 
  1252 A1W TR     1430-1550  WC  0203  Sinclair, N 
  1255 A2W M      1900-2150  WC  0203  Murphy, J 

BIO 205  GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY               4cr 
  1258 01W M      1900-2150  WC  0417  Allaire, R 

BIO 205  LAB FOR BIO 205                    0cr 
  1259 A1W W      1900-2150  WC  0203  Allaire, R 

  1260 01W M      1900-2150  WC  0230  TBA
          Above section requires Lab A1W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.

BIO 231  LAB FOR BIO 231                    0cr 
  1261 A1W W      1900-2150  WC  0213  TBA

  1262 01W T      0930-1220  WC  0203  Allaire, R 
          Above section requires Lab A1W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.

BIO 232  LAB FOR BIO 232                    0cr 
  1263 A1W R      0930-1220  WC  0203  Allaire, R 

FIRST EIGHT WEEK 01/18/99 03/13/99
BIO 101  GENERAL BIOLOGY I                  4cr 
  1095 40W MF     0800-1050  WC  0203  TBA
          Above section requires Lab G1W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.
  4988 50W MW     1830-2130  QHS 0201  TBA
          Above section requires Lab Q1w--
          NO exceptions.

BIO 101  LAB FOR BIO 101                    0cr 
  1096 G1W MF     1200-1450  WC  0203  TBA
  4989 Q1W S      0900-1450  WC  0213  TBA

SECOND EIGHT WEEK 03/22/99 05/14/99
BIO 102  GENERAL BIOLOGY II                 4cr 
  4990 55W MW     1830-2130  QHS 0201  TBA
          Above section requires Lab Q1w--
          NO exceptions.
  1222 60W MF     0800-1050  WC  0203  TBA
          Above section requires Lab G1W--
          NO EXCEPTIONS.

BIO 102  LAB FOR BIO 102                    0cr 
  1223 G1W MF     1200-1450  WC  0203  TBA
  4992 Q1W S      0900-1450  WC  0213  TBA

BIO 101  GENERAL BIOLOGY I                  4cr 
  3603 92W HOME STUDY.  See ELI pages.

BIO 101  LAB FOR BIO 101                    0cr 
  3609 S1W TBA     TBA-TBA   TBA TBA   Erdahl, E 

BIO 102  GENERAL BIOLOGY II                 4cr 
  3645 92W HOME STUDY.  See ELI pages.

BIO 102  LAB FOR BIO 102                    0cr 
  3651 S1W TBA     TBA-TBA   TBA TBA   Wise, M 

  3691 92W HOME STUDY.  See ELI pages.

BIO 141  LAB FOR BIO 141                    0cr 
  3697 S1W TBA     TBA-TBA   TBA TBA   Daron, P 

Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 11:09
Comments to: webmaster@nvcc.edu