NVCC 1997-1998 Catalog
    Instructional Programs

International Studies Specialization AL, AN, LO, MA, WO

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Purpose: The Liberal Arts A.A. degree with a specialization in International Studies is designed to prepare students who intend to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor's degree program in International Studies. The International Studies specialization will broaden the student's education to include more emphasis on other cultures and countries in recognition of the increasing interdependence of today's world.

First Year1st Semester2nd Semester

   ENG111College Composition I3
___Foreign Language3
MTH151Math for the Liberal Arts I3
___Natural Science/Lab Elective4
PED116Lifetime Fitness & Wellness1
   ENG112College Composition II 3
___Foreign Language 3
MTH152Math for the Liberal Arts II 3
___Natural Science/Lab Elective 4
   SPD110Intro. to Speech Communication or 
   SPD 126 Interpersonal Communication 3

Total Credits/Semester1517

Second Year1st Semester2nd Semester

   ECO201Principles of Economics I3
___Humanities Elective3
___Non-western Requirement3
___General Elective3
   ECO202Principles of Economics II 3
HISElective 3
___Humanities Elective 3
___Non-western Requirement 3
___General Elective 3

Total Credits/Semester1515

Total credits for the A.A. Degree in Liberal Arts with a Specialization in International Studies = 62.

Electives must be chosen carefully and after investigation of transfer requirements of the institution to which transfer is contemplated.

1 Students completing the A.A. in Liberal Arts must demonstrate intermediate college-level (201-202) proficiency in a language other than English. The 201-202 courses require a prerequisite proficiency equivalent to the 101-102 sequence in the language. Placement testing determines initial foreign language level. Students completing 101-102 foreign language may use those credits to meet general elective requirements. Waivers or credit by exam (through CLEP) for previous experience is available for some languages. Students whose native language is not English may substitute general electives for foreign language upon the approval of the advising division chair.

2 Any higher mathematics course with computer may be substituted, see transfer requirements.

3 Natural science courses may be selected from biology, chemistry, geology, natural science, or physics.

4 The PED requirement may be met by one of the following options: PED 116, 2 cr.; PED 220, 2 cr.; PED 116, 1 cr. plus a PED activities course, 1 cr.; or PED 116, 1 cr. plus RPK 205, 207, 208, 216, or 225. PED 116 is offered as both a 1-credit and a 2-credit course.

5 HIS 101-102 or HIS 111-112 are recommended. Other social science courses may be substituted depending on the requirements of transfer institutions.

6 Literature or humanities courses should be selected depending on the requirements of the institution to which transfer is contemplated.

7 Students may choose from: ART 103-104, HIS 203-204, HIS 231-232, HIS 241-242, HIS 251- 252, HIS 253-254, HIS 255, HIS 256, HIS 274, HUM 231-232, or REL 231-232, or other non-western courses approved by advisor.

8 Social Science or Humanities recommended. Suggested courses include HUM 201- 202 Survey of Western Culture, HUM 231-232 Survey of Asian Culture, or advanced language courses in history, literature, or civilization above the 202 designation (example GER 231-232 Introduction to German Literature). Consult your advisor.

Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 10:36
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