NVCC 1997-1998 Catalog
    Instructional Programs

International Business Specialization AL, AN, LO

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Purpose: This specialization provides knowledge and skills in international business and is designed to prepare students for initial full-time employment or advancement in present employment. The occupational objectives include: administrative assistant, branch manager, supervisor, or office manager in an international firm. Careers exist in import-export management for small business and as an international marketing specialist.

Recommended Preparation: The student should possess a proficiency in high school English and a strong background in basic arithmetic operations.

First Year1st Semester2nd Semester

   ACC211Prin. of Accounting I3
   BUS100Intro. to Business3
   ENG111College Composition I3
   MTH120Introduction to Mathematics3
PED116Lifetime Fitness & Wellness1
___Social Science Elective3
   ACC212Prin. of Accounting II 3
   BUS125Applied Business Math 3
   BUS200Principles of Management 3
   IST100Intro. to Information Systems 3
   ENG112College Composition II 3
   MKT100Principles of Marketing 3

Total Credits/Semester1718

Second Year1st Semester2nd Semester

   BUS202Applied Management Principles3
   BUS280Intro. to International Business3
   ECO120Survey of Economics3
   ___Foreign Language5
   BUS220Intro. to Business Statistics3
   BUS241Business Law I3
   FIN215Financial Management3
   FIN248International Finance3
   MKT275International Marketing3

Total Credits/Semester1714

Total credits for the A.A.S. Degree in Business Management with a Specialization in International Business = 66.

1 The PED requirement may be met by one of the following options: PED 116, 2 cr.; PED 220, 2 cr.; PED 116, 1 cr. plus a PED activities course, 1 cr.; or PED 116, 1 cr. plus RPK 205, 207, 208, 216, or 225. PED 116 is offered as both a 1-credit and a 2-credit course.

2 Social science courses may be selected from the following: economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, or sociology (includes anthropology).

Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 10:36
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