NVCC 1995-1996 Catalog

Honors Core Curriculum

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The approach to honors courses varies from campus to campus. Some campuses offer specified combinations of honors courses, i.e., two or more course sequences scheduled and designed in coordination with one another for the purpose of interdisciplinary study. Other campuses offer independent sections for honors students or "honors options," in which honors students take part in a regular course section while also completing a special honors component of the course. Honors contract courses, in which the student and instructor agree to a particular independent study, are also offered. Honors faculty advisors are available at each campus to aid you with course selection.

Each honors course is designated as such on your grade reports and transcripts. Universities and employers favor students who seek the greater challenge offered through honors courses.

Honors Core Curriculum

The Honors Core curriculum seeks to provide a comprehensive educational experience for the honors students and allows them to interact as a community of learners. Students may satisfy the requirements of both the Honors Core and any degree program by enrolling in the honors sections of courses or electives within their degree program requirements. If you complete at least 24 hours of specified honors courses, the completion of the Honors Core Curriculum will be designated on your transcript and on your diploma. This represents a significant enhancement of your academic credentials.

First Year                              1st Sem.         2nd Sem.
Honors ENG 111-112 (1)                     3                3
Honors humanities,
  social studies, or
  math/science                            3-4              3-4
Honors Orientation
  (STD 100)                                1
  (strongly recommended)

Second Year                             1st Sem.         2nd Sem.
Honors elective                            3
Honors Seminar (2)                                           3
Honors 200-level humanities,
  social science, or
  math/science                             3-4             3-4

(1) If you take a regular section of ENG 111 the first semester, and then decide to pursue the Honors Core, you may substitute any other honors course in English.

(2) To take the Honors Seminar, you should have completed a minimum of 6 semester hours in honors English and 6 semester hours of the humanities, social science, math/science unit.

Enrollment Requirements

To be considered for the Honors Core curriculum or an honors course, you must meet at least one of the following requirements: (1) a minimum Reading score of 28 and a minimum Writing score of 33 on the Basic Skills Assessment Test; (2) a GPA of 3.5 at NVCC; (3) SAT scores of 1100; (4) placement in the top 10% of your graduating class; or (5) life experience, special aptitude or interest that indicates potential for success in honors courses.

Due to their content, certain honors courses may have special additional prerequisites; for this information, see the Honors Committee Chair, the faculty member teaching the course, or the Honors counselor at the campus offering the course. To remain eligible for honors courses, students must maintain an acceptable level of academic achievement.

Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 10:33
Comments to: webmaster@nvcc.edu