NVCC 2002-2003 Catalog
    Instructional Programs

Civil Engineering Technology Specialization AL  

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Purpose: This curriculum is designed to prepare students for either employment in civil engineering or the construction industry as a technician or to provide a broad foundation for those individuals who wish to continue their education. Specialization is achieved through the selection of courses for the technical elective requirement. Graduates may seek employment as civil, structural, land planning CAD operators and civil or construction engineering technicians.

First Year1st Semester2nd Semester

CIV171Surveying I3
   DRF201Computer Aided Drafting and Design I4
   EGR115Engineering Graphics or
   DRF165 Architectural Blue-Print Reading2-3
   EGR120Intro. to Engineering2
   ENG111College Composition I3
PED116Lifetime Fitness & Wellness1
CIV172Surveying II 3
CIV225Soil Mechanics 2
CIV226Soil Mechanics Laboratory 1
   DRF202Computer Aided Drafting & Design II 4
MTH166Precalculus with Trigonometry 5
___Social Science Elective 3

Total Credits/Semester16-1718

Second Year1st Semester2nd Semester

   ARC122Architectural Drafting II or
   DRF203 Computer Aided Drafting &
   Design III (Land Development Desktop)3
   ARC133Construction Methodology & Procedures I3
   DRF260Computer Applications for Surveyors and
   Technicians (Land Development Desktop)3
   EGR130 Statics & Strength of Materials or
   5Technical Elective5
   ARC225Site Planning & Technology 3
CIV210Structural Systems or 
   5Technical Elective 5
1,6 CIV228Concrete Technology 2
1,6 CIV229Concrete Lab 1
___Social Science Elective 3
SPDElective 3

Total Credits/Semester1517

Total credits for the A.A.S. Degree in Engineering Technology with a Specialization in Civil Engineering Technology = 66-67.

To graduate from a degree program, students entering NVCC Fall 1999 or later must demonstrate computer competency skills as described in the Degree Requirements section of the Instructional Programs of this catalog.

1 CIV classes are offered only on the Alexandria Campus.

2 The PED requirement may be met by one of the following options: PED 116, 2 cr.; PED 116, 1 cr. Plus a PED activities course, 1 cr.; or PED 116, 1 cr. Plus RPK 205, 216 or 225. PED 116 is offered as both a 1-credit and a 2-credit course.

3 MTH 163-164, Precalculus I-II, may be substituted for MTH 166.

4 The social science elective may be selected from the following: economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, or sociology (included anthropology).

5 Technical elective must be approved by faculty advisor. Acceptable courses include ARC 200, ART 121, BLD 231, DRF 195/295, DRF 233, HRT 108 or HRT 246.

6 Students may take CIV 228 (2 credits) plus CIV 229 (1 credit) or CIV 241, Applied Hydraulics and Drainage (3 credits).

7 The SPD elective may be selected from the following: SPD 100, 110, 115, 126, and SPD 229.

Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 10:26
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