NVCC 2000-2001 Catalog
    Description of Courses

HRT - Horticulture

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HRT 100 - Introduction To Horticulture

HRT 108 - Plant Identification

HRT 115 - Plant Propagation

HRT 117 - Tools and Equipment

HRT 118 - Turf Pests

HRT 119 - Irrigation Systems for Turf and Ornamentals

HRT 120 - History of Garden Design

HRT 121 - Greenhouse Crop Production I

HRT 125 - Chemicals In Horticulture

HRT 127 - Horticultural Botany

HRT 197 - Cooperative Education

HRT 205 - Soils

HRT 206 - Pesticides In Horticulture

HRT 207 - Plant Pest Management

HRT 231 - Planting Design I

HRT 232 - Planting Design II

HRT 245 - Woody Plants

HRT 246 - Herbaceous Plants

HRT 247 - Indoor Plants

HRT 260 - Introduction To Floral Design

HRT 266 - Advanced Floral Design

HRT 269 - Professional Turf Care

HRT 275 - Landscape Construction and Maintenance

HRT 297 - Cooperative Education

Please contact the appropriate division for the availability of general usage courses as described in the "Description of Courses" section.
Last revised: Monday, May-18-2015 10:24
Comments to: Programming Support Services